Constance Halaveli Resort

Constance Halaveli Resort is located in Halaveli Private Island which is 62km away from airport, this Luxury Island features 86 villas and transfer to the island provided by Seaplane and approximately 25 minutes to reach the resort from Male International Airport.

GermanTauchen Award 2013 Won by Maldivian Resort, Bathalaa Island Resort

AAA Company’s Bathalaa IslandResort has won the Tauchen award 2013. Tauchen award is an award given in Germany to the dive centers across the globe. Bathalaa Island won this award in the India and Pacific regions category. AAA’s official stated that it was a huge achievement won by their resort, Bathalaa Island Resort. “This award is the most popular and the most superior award given by Germany to the Dive centers. As so this award would...

Increasing bed capacity will boost tourist arrivals in Maldives: MU Manik

One of the Directors of Universal group, Mohamed Umar Manik has said that the most important step for Maldives is to increase the bed capacity of resorts in order to boost the amount of tourists visiting the country. Taking to Haveeru recently, MU Manik said the bed capacity has to be increased if the Maldives wants to increase the amount of tourists.  “Tourism of Maldives will grow as much as we allow the increase of beds. About...

Tourism Ministry has allocated a USD12 million budget to market Maldivian tourism for the year 2013.

A prominent official of the Ministry explained that as more resorts and airports are to be opened in year 2013, in addition to new airlines travelling to the Maldives, more marketing is required. “In 2013 Maldives must be advertised in additional markets. Decision has also been made to promote Maldives in up and coming markets. A lot of effort has to be put in to promote Maldives especially in Europe. So a sufficient budget is needed...